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Black Lives Matter

Posted on Jan 22, 2022 by

Black Lives Matter


Being black or not having a porcelain white skin, does that mean you are meant to be discriminated, bullied or you are not allowed to live a dignified life.

Black lives matter also known as BLM movement is a worldwide movement which focuses on racial segregation. People who are born with black or non-white skin are always subjected to brutal behavior in our society. This is not only practiced before twentieth century but is still present in our society.

God created all humans impartially, we all are equal for him, then from where does this discrimination arise?  The answer is Human’s perception and thinking.

White men and women always tried to create their preeminence. We all know about the racial discrimination that was practiced in Africa. Nelson Mandela was the one who tried to abolish this inhumane practice of Apartheid in 1990s. But we have seen last year, George Floyd who was murdered during the police custody. This case led to the biggest black lives matter revolt in the US.

I have always envisaged a world full of amazement, bliss, joy, blossomed trees, crimson clouds, thrilled trees waiting for the spring to come, a place where humans treats other humans on the basis of their work, nature and demeanor rather than their race, colour, gender, cast and religion.

We can still create this Earth, a beautiful place by changing our mindset and respecting every human being. We should respect each and every race, colour and gender. Let’s change our perception and vision!

Anudisha Jaiswal

Class: XIth A


"Be moderate in order to taste the joys of life in abundance.~ Epicurus "
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